Superhero Movie-Making Comedy Series “The Franchise” Sets HBO Debut

The Franchise, poking a finger at the complex world of superhero franchise-building, is coming to HBO on Oct. 8. The new 8-episode comedy series follows a hopeful film crew who find themselves trapped, according to HBO's loglines "inside the dysfunctional, nonsensical, joyous hellscape of franchise...

“The Last of US” Debuts Detail-Rich Official Trailer Ahead of Season 2

HBO has debuted a new trailer in advance of The Last of Us Season 2. The teaser, which appears to follow the events of Naughty Dog's video game series show Joel (Pedro Pascal) and Ellie (Bella Ramsey) some time after the events of...

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Hulu’s “The Bear” Eyes June Return

Fans of Hulu's The Bear won't have to wait all that long for Season...

New Sonic the Hedgehog Event Series “Knuckles” Lands at Paramount+

Paramount+ debuted a new trailer for a Sonic the Hedgehog-themed event series called Knuckles,...

Demi Moore Boards New Paramount+ Drama Series “Landman”

Per Paramount+, Demi Moore is joining the streamer's upcoming drama series Landman. The news...

Prime Video Sets “Invincible” Return Date

Prime Video's gritty adult animated superhero series Invincible finally has a return date for...

Source Material For “Reacher” Season 3 Confirmed

Reacher may have ended its second season on a ratings high (it earned the...

What’s Streaming in February?

Want to know what's streaming on Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video, Hulu, and AppleTV+ in...

Paramount+ Sets Early February Return for “Halo”

Paramount+ has a hard premiere date for Halo season 2. The Pablo Schreiber-starring sci-fi series...

“Quantum Leap” Nabs Early Post-Strike Return

NBC, the only broadcast Network with new scripted dramas airing over the strike period...

Syfy’s “Resident Alien” Set to Make a Season 3 Return

Syfy's Resident Alien makes a long-awaited return on February, 14. Based on the Dark Horse...

CBS Gives Straight to Series Order to Sherlock Holmes-themed “Watson”

CBS is returning to Sherlock Holmes-themed fare this Fall. The Network behind Elementary (2012-2019), a...

New CBS Drama Sees Mark Harmon Return in a Familiar Role

CBS has revealed plans for NCIS: Origins, a new drama series set in the...

Mid-Season Premieres Set For FOX’s Comedy Block & Returning Dramas

FOX has joined CBS, ABC, and NBC in setting out plans for mid-season returns. The...

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Apple TV’s “Sugar” renewed for Season 2

The following report contains major spoilers for Season One of Sugar. Neo-Noire sci-fi drama series...

MAX Celebrates “No Sleep October”

MAX launches No Sleep October,” today, a month-long celebration for Halloween and horror fans...

Superhero Movie-Making Comedy Series “The Franchise” Sets HBO Debut

The Franchise, poking a finger at the complex world of superhero franchise-building, is coming...

“The Last of US” Debuts Detail-Rich Official Trailer Ahead of Season 2

HBO has debuted a new trailer in advance of The Last of Us Season...