Superhero Movie-Making Comedy Series “The Franchise” Sets HBO Debut

The Franchise, poking a finger at the complex world of superhero franchise-building, is coming to HBO on Oct. 8. The new 8-episode comedy series follows a hopeful film crew who find themselves trapped, according to HBO's loglines "inside the dysfunctional, nonsensical, joyous hellscape of franchise...

“The Last of US” Debuts Detail-Rich Official Trailer Ahead of Season 2

HBO has debuted a new trailer in advance of The Last of Us Season 2. The teaser, which appears to follow the events of Naughty Dog's video game series show Joel (Pedro Pascal) and Ellie (Bella Ramsey) some time after the events of...

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Take a First Look at “Squid Game” Season 2

Season 2 of Netflix's runaway success Squid Game is just around the corner. The streamer...

“DEXTER: ORIGINAL SIN” Premiere Date & New Teaser

A hard premiere date and new teaser trailer for prequel spin-off Dexter: Original Sin...

“Vox Machina” Season 3 Premiere Date, Plus New Title Sequence

Vox Machina fans, the wait it almost over. Season 3 of the beloved adult...

“My Brilliant Friend,” “The Penguin, “I Saw the TV Glow” & More MAX September Highlights

THE BOY AND THE HERON  Studio Ghibli Film After losing his mother in a hospital fire,...

DC Universe Programming Highlights For September on MAX

In celebration of the upcoming HBO Original limited series The Penguin, from Warner Bros. Television...

“Star Fleet Academy” Finds its Star in Sandro Rosta

Paramount+'s Star Trek: Starfleet Academy has found its star in Sandro Rosta. The British...

New Green Lantern Series “Lanterns” Is a Go from HBO and MAX

HBO has greenlit a new 8-episode Green Lantern series, Lanterns, from Warner Bros. Television...

Second Teaser For ‘The Penguin’ drops

HBO's MAX has unveiled a second teaser trailer for upcoming Warner Bros. and DC...

AppleTV+ Debuts Natalie Portman-Starring Noir Thriller “Lady in the Lake”

AppleTV+ today unveiled a first look at Lady in the Lake. The new mini-series...

Production Begins on HBO’s “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”

Production kicked off today on HBO and MAX's latest Game of Thrones spin-off series...

AppleTV+ Teases New Seasons of “Severance” “Silo” and “Slow Horses”

Apple has given us a first (very brief) glimpse at new seasons of fan...

First Look Photos From “THE LAST OF US” Season 2

Official first look photos of Pedro Pascal as Joel and Bella Ramsey as Ellie...

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Apple TV’s “Sugar” renewed for Season 2

The following report contains major spoilers for Season One of Sugar. Neo-Noire sci-fi drama series...

MAX Celebrates “No Sleep October”

MAX launches No Sleep October,” today, a month-long celebration for Halloween and horror fans...

Superhero Movie-Making Comedy Series “The Franchise” Sets HBO Debut

The Franchise, poking a finger at the complex world of superhero franchise-building, is coming...

“The Last of US” Debuts Detail-Rich Official Trailer Ahead of Season 2

HBO has debuted a new trailer in advance of The Last of Us Season...